About FALS

The Foundation for Australian Literary Studies aims to foster the study and appreciation of Australian literature. The Foundation is funded through the generosity of the late Professor Colin Roderick CBE [27 July 1911 - 16 June 2000] and his wife, Mrs Margaret Roderick [4 March 1922 – 4 October 2020], as well as donations and membership from the general public.

The Foundation is a registered not-for-profit that offers memberships as well as accepts donations from members and supporters. Contributions are actively sought from lovers of Australian literature throughout Australia.

The Foundation is governed by a board of directors and is based at James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ, Townsville.

History of the Foundation

The Foundation was formally established on 18th July 1966 amidst messages of support from leading figures in Australian literary and academic fields. Sir Stephen Roberts, Vice Chancellor of the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of Sydney, described the formation of the Foundation as "a major educational achievement".

The Vice Chancellor of the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of Queensland, Sir Fred Schonell, saw it as "a means of charting the past, vitalizing the present, and influencing the future for the increasing number of Australians seeking a literary conscience".

The Foundation celebrated its 50th year in 2016, to commemorate a history of the Foundation was published. This publication commemorates and celebrates the first fifty years of the Foundation for Australian Literary Studies (FALS), an organisation designed to promote and encourage Australian literature at a local and national level.


The foundation was established by the late Professor Colin Roderick CBE [27 July 1911 - 16 June 2000] and his wife, Mrs Margaret Roderick [4 March 1922 – 4 October 2020]:

Colin Roderick was a writer, editor, academic and educator. He is perhaps best remembered for promoting the study of Australian literature (at a time when it attracted little academic interest), and also for his biographical and critical studies of .

Roderick was educated at Bundaberg State School, and gained a BA in 1936, via the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of Queensland's external studies program, whilst working as a school teacher. He then went on to obtain a BEd, and following a brief period in the Australian Army, a MA and MEd, and some years later, a PhD (conferred by The ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of Queensland in 1954, for a dissertation on ). After World War II, Roderick took up a position with Sydney publisher Angus and Robertson, where he remained until the 1960s, eventually becoming editor-in-chief of the firm's educational division.

During the 1950s, as convenor and then honorary secretary of the Australian Literature Committee, Roderick was instrumental in having a chair of Australian literature established at the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of Sydney, and in this period he also helped  establish the Miles Franklin Award for the best Australian novel. (He served as a Miles Franklin Award judge from 1957 to 1991.)

In 1965 Roderick was appointed Professor of English at the later-named James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ, Townsville, where he became an energetic teacher. He started the Foundation for Australian Literary Studies, as well as inaugurating a lecture series and an annual book award (both of which were subsequently named in his honour). Following retirement from James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ in 1976, Roderick continued his research and writing, producing authoritative biographies of , , and the explorer . As Emeritus Professor he also continued his occasional lectures on Australian literature at European universities (he spoke French, German and Italian).

The National Library of Australia holds a significant collection of Roderick's papers in its manuscripts collection.

In April 2021 James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ recognised Mrs Margaret Roderick's outstanding work in and support for the development of Australian literary studies with a posthumous award of Honorary Doctor of the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ.

Award citation:

James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ posthumously recognises Mrs Margaret Roderick for her outstanding work in, and support for, the development of Australian literary studies at James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ.

Mrs Margaret Roderick was a central and defining figure in the development of the Foundation of Australian Literary Studies at James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ in 1966 – then a College of the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of Queensland – and the annual Colin Roderick Literary Award, founded in 1967.

One of the most prestigious and longest extant literary prizes in the country, the $20,000 Roderick Literary Award is presented each year by the Foundation of Australian Literary Studies through James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ, and recognises the best original book, in the judges’ opinion, that is published in Australia in the previous calendar year. Mrs Roderick was instrumental in establishing the Colin Roderick Literary Award and organised the annual Awards Dinner over many years. Dr Roderick was appointed Vice Patron of the Foundation of Australian Literary Studies in 2000, the Patron being the Governor General. A key component of the Foundation’s work continues to be to bridge the gap between “the Gown and the Town” in the form of annual public lectures and a suite of other activities, of which the Roderick Literary Award has been a key feature and one of the most anticipated events in the cultural calendar of the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ.

Both the Foundation and the Roderick Award were made possible through donations and bequests by Margaret, and her late husband, Emeritus Professor Colin Roderick CBE. Further benefactions by Mrs Roderick, in keeping with the Deeds of Trust vested in the Roderick Estate, led to the establishment of James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ’s Margaret and Colin Roderick Chair of Literary Studies, the Margaret and Colin Roderick Scholar in Comparative Literature, and the Margaret and Colin Roderick Fellow in Literary Studies. These positions continue to be fully funded by the Roderick Trust, without which they would not exist.

Although Mrs Roderick’s primary degree was in science, she was always keenly interested in and knowledgeable about literature. Mrs Roderick undertook much of the extensive research that underpinned the production of Emeritus Professor Roderick’s numerous books on Australian literature, including major works on Henry Lawson, A.B. Paterson, Rosa Praed, and the explorer Ludwig Leichhardt. What is now referred to as co-creation, the convention at the time was not to credit this essential work in the author’s publication details. Indeed, Emeritus Professor Roderick’s published acknowledgements simply referred to “my wife” and included thanks for “her continued help.” In fact, Mrs Roderick spent a great deal of time undertaking research in libraries and archives from which her husband was able to produce his monographs. She also prepared and edited Emeritus Professor Roderick’s hand-written texts, and not infrequently advised on the placement of material and development of arguments. Unquestionably, Emeritus Professor Roderick was a prodigious intellect and exemplary literary scholar. However, there should be no doubt about the significance of Dr Roderick’s research during Emeritus Professor Roderick’s time as James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ’s Professor of Literature (1966-1976) and subsequently Emeritus Professor (1976-2000), which continue to bring distinction to James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ.

Life Governors

The Foundation recognises with thanks the contributions made by the following people to the study of Australian literary studies:

Born in Perth Western Australia Mary has worked as a journalist in most states of Australia and several other countries.

As well as her considerable experience in writing, reporting, layout, editing and uploading web content she started reviewing books for The Australian in the early 1980s. She took over as Books Editor at the Townsville Bulletin when Colin Roderick retired from that position while also being, in turn, deputy editor, features editor, production editor, and daily columnist at the Townsville Bulletin in North Queensland. She has edited several books and anthologies and, like most journalists, is working on the Great Australian Novel, as well as having almost completed a history of food on Magnetic Island.

Besides working in print with a variety of regional papers, she has also worked in radio and is still heard most Friday afternoons on ABC Radio Townsville as part of their drive time show.

She worked as tutor and mentor for News Ltd’s online training college for young journalists for 10 years and spent six months in Myanmar in 2005, mentoring and training journalists on the Myanmar Times in Yangon, an experience she found very satisfying, although difficult.

In 2009 she graduated as a Master of Arts (Writing) from James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ in Townsville and although she hopes to complete a PhD in Social History is having a hard time finding a university willing to back a humorous thesis.

The Hon Kieran Cullinane receiving Life Governors certificate with Foundation Chair Justice Cullinane was appointed to the Supreme Court on 16th November 1992 following a highly successful 26 year career at the bar, for the last decade as the first Queen’s Counsel to be appointed outside Brisbane.

His community contribution has embraced substantial commitment to James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ, serving on its Council, and acting as honorary lecturer in comparative law, contributions which led to the conferral by the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of an honorary Doctorate of Laws in the year 2007.

His Honour’s judicial and other community contributions were appropriately recognized by the nation in 2009, with his admission to the Order of Australia.

Image: The Hon Keiran Cullinane AM receiving Life Governors certificate with Foundation Chair Prof Richard Nile, June 2017.

Prof Don Gallagher receiving Life Governors certificate with Prof Sandra Harding
Image: Prof Don Gallagher OAM receiving Life Governors certificate with Prof Sandra Harding AO, Foundation Deputy Chair, June 2017.

Adjunct Prof Stephen Torre receiving Life Governor certificate with Prof Richard Nile, Foundation Chair and Prof Sandra Harding, Foundation Deputy Chair
Image: Adjunct Prof Stephen Torre receiving Life Governor certificate with Prof Richard Nile, Foundation Chair and Prof Sandra Harding AO, Foundation Deputy Chair, October 2018.

Prof Sandra Harding AOEmeritus Professor Sandra Harding AO served as Vice Chancellor and President of James Cook ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Australia from January 2007 to February 2022. In this role, she was responsible for ensuring clear and effective leadership and management of the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ across all operating sites, including campuses in Cairns, Singapore and Townsville. Her keen focus on the Tropics and leadership of the State of the Tropics project resulted in the United National General Assembly declaring June 29 the UN International Day of the Tropics.

Over her university career, she has undertaken many sectoral leadership positions, including as Chair of the national peak body, Universities Australia, from 2013 to 2015 and as the inaugural Chair of the Queensland Vice Chancellors Committee from May 2020 to December 2021.

A Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Emeritus Professor Harding has served as Chair or Director on the Boards or Councils of many organisations across a range of sectors within Australia and abroad.

Dr Leigh DaleLeigh Dale taught Australian and other literatures at the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of Southern Queensland, the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of Queensland, and the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ of Wollongong, where she also supervised honours, masters and doctoral theses on Australian literature. She was editor of the journal Australian Literary Studies from 2002 to 2015, having previously been the reviews editor, and is the author of The Enchantment of English: Professing Literature in Australian Universities (Sydney ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ Press, 2012) as well as Responses to Self Harm (McFarland, 2015).

Leigh has published criticism of Australian writers including Thea Astley, Barbara Baynton, Lionel Fogarty, Miles Franklin, Charles Jury, David Malouf, Dorothy Porter, Katharine Susannah Prichard, Kenneth Slessor and Christos Tsiolkas, as well as articles and book chapters on higher education, colonial history, and the history of teaching literature. With Graham Barwell, she is preparing a critical edition of the novel Coonardoo. She has been a judge of the Colin Roderick Award (2017 to 2021), the inaugural Barbara Jefferis Award (2008), and of prizes awarded by the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (ASAL).


You can view our 2030 FALS Strategy here.