Current Students Class Registration

Class Registration

Class Registration Explained

Class registration is how you choose your classes after you enrol in your subjects. Once you have completed registering into your classes, you can view your personalised timetable either by using the JCU App or . To help plan your class registration, you can view the classes available on the Class Timetable.

For instructions on how to use , refer to the ‘Registering for Classes’ information below.

Registration Types

Do I need to Register in Classes?
Depending on the course or subjects you’re enrolled in, class registration is completed in one of two ways, self-registration or managed registration. Opening dates for class registration are outlined below in the Class Registration Schedule for each study period and trimester.

Exempt Registration:
Students studying Medicine in Townsville are not class registered. These students can view their timetable via ‘My Timetable’ published on the ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ’s website.

You will be automatically registered into classes where only one class occurs. Where there are repeat classes available each week for the same activity type, you will need to select one of those classes to attend for the entire study period/trimester. You cannot switch between classes once you’ve registered into that class and after class registration has closed.  Subjects that require you to select a class will have ‘Register’ or ‘Change’ button next to the subject information in .

*Note: Flex subjects are included, for more information about Flex, click here.

Managed Registration:
Students in some courses and subjects will be registered into their classes by Scheduling Services. These are:

  • Veterinary Sciences
  • Dentistry
  • Medicine Cairns
  • Teaching Period One:
    • PS1001, PS2004, PS3001, PS3002, PS3003, RH1002, RH1004
  • Teaching Period Two:
    • HS1003, PS1002, PS2002, PS2003, PS2005, PS4003, PS4004, RH2002

*Registration for these subjects to be complete by O-Week.

Registering for Classes

New students and returning students need to be enrolled in their subjects before registering for individual classes.

Our app will give you single sign on access to JCU systems and applications like eStudent and LearnJCU as well as an up-to-date personalised class and exam timetable. It's available for , and computers, laptops and devices.

How to Register for Classes  in eStudent

  1. New students and returning students must both complete enrolment before registering for individual classes.
  2. Plan your class via 'My Timetable'. Registration is completed in eStudent. There are easy to follow instructions available below under the 'Completing your class registration' drop down, if you need help registering for your classes or printing your timetable.
  3. Our app will give you single sign on access to JCU systems and applications like eStudent and LearnJCU as well as up to date personalised class and exam timetables. It's available for , and computers, laptops and devices.

When you access eStudent, a list of subjects that you are currently enrolled in will be displayed. Select the study period you wish to class register for from the drop-down box and click Refresh to display subjects for different study periods. You may find that you are already registered into classes where there are no other class options.   Each subject will have a registration status beside it:

Red CircleYou are not yet registered for any classes for that subject
Yellow CircleYou have registered for some but not all classes
Green CircleYou have registered in all classes for that subject

Follow these steps to register for your classes

  1. Click on the Register into all single class activities button. This will check that you are registered into all classes with no choices.

    Register into all single class activities button
  2. Click on the Register or Change button next to the subject information to select classes where a choice exists (e.g. tutorials).

    Register or change button
  3. Click on the green plus symbol that appears when you hover over a class to register into it. Click Save

    Green plus symbol button
  4. Repeat until all registration statuses display the All Classes Registered message.
  5. All classes registered

    TIP: You can hide full classes by clicking on the Hide Full Classes button above the timetable grid. You will still see classes that you are waitlisted in or registered in.

    Hide full classes button

** It is your responsibility to ensure that you have correctly registered in all classes relevant to your enrolment. **

If you wish to change a class you have registered for, you can swap classes by clicking Change for the selected subject.

Class Registration Open and Close Dates

For those classes you have not automatically been registered into, class registration will open at 10:00am on the dates noted below.

You will need to complete self-registration for each study period or trimester between the respective open and close dates. If class registration has closed, please contact the Student Centre for any class registration changes.

Study Period

Opening date

Closing date

Early Start – Study Period 1
NS3228, NS3363, NS3771, NS3881, NS4993, PS3001, PS3002, PS3003, PS3006

20 December 2023

26 March 2024

Study Period 1 - College of Arts, Society and Education, College of Business, Law and Governance, College of Science and Engineering, Indigenous Education and Research Centre

30 January 2024

26 March 2024

 Study Period 1 - College of Healthcare Sciences, College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences (Excluding Vet), College of Medicine and Dentistry (Excluding Medicine & Dentistry) 31 January 2024 26 March 2024

Early Start – Study Period 2
NS3882, NS3229, NS3991, NS4772

23 April 2024

27 August 2024

Study Period 2

9 July 2024

27 August 2024

Study Period 3

20 December 2023

6 February 2024

Study Period 4

23 January 2024

26 March 2024

Study Period 5

19 March 2024

7 May 2024

Study Period 6

30 April 2024

18 June 2024

Study Period 7

21 May 2024

9 July 2024

Study Period 8

9 July 2024

13 August 2024

Study Period 9

20 August 2024

8 October 2024

Study Period 10

22 October 2024

10 December 2024

Study Period 11

22 October 2024

10 December 2024

Study Period

Opening date

Closing date

Trimester 1

2 January 2024

27 February 2024

Trimester 2

23 April 2024

18 June 2024

Trimester 3

20 August 2024

15 October 2024

Study Period

Opening date

Closing date

Study Period 81

20 December 2023

30 January 2024

Study Period 82

20 December 2023

26 March 2024

Study Period 83

23 April 2024

28 May 2024

Study Period 84

23 April 2024

23 July 2024

Study Period 85

20 August 2024

24 September 2024

Study Period 86

20 August 2024

19 November 2024


If you chose an elective subject outside your recommended study plan, you may experience a clash between some of your classes. You may also experience a clash between your core classes if you choose a group that has not been allocated for your course.

If you have a clash with one of your elective classes, you should:

  1. Discuss this with your coordinator in the first instance. If your coordinator agrees that you can still be registered in that class, contact the Student Centre providing your coordinators approval, OR
  2. Change your subject enrolment (for elective subjects only), OR
  3. Contact the Student Centre for further assistance if you are unable to change your enrolment.

If you have a clash with one of your core classes, you should:

  1. Contact the Student Centre for further assistance.

If classes are closed in eStudent you will receive the following message when attempting to register:

Screenshot showing registration closed message.

Classes may appear closed because:

  • The open date for class registration has not yet occurred. Click HERE to see the opening dates of class registration.
  • The close date for class registration has occurred. Click HERE to see the closing dates of class registration. If class registration has closed, please contact the Student Centre for any registration changes.
  • Class registration for your courses or subjects are managed by Scheduling Services.  For students studying Medicine in Cairns, Dentistry or Veterinary Science, your class registration will be managed by Scheduling Services. All you need to do is enrol in your subjects, though you will need to register in classes for elective subjects separately.

In some cases, you will see a class has more than one 'From' date (see screen shot below). This could mean either:

  • The class is not run each week and breaks exist in the timetable.
  • The class is held in a different location for one or more weeks.
  • There is a different Academic teaching the class over the semester/trimester.

Screenshot showing a class with more than one date in the list

Screenshot showing another example of multiple dates.

In the ‘Week Starting’ field, enter the first From Date of the class and click ‘Refresh’, see below screen shot:

Screenshot showing Week Starting field and Refresh button.

The timetable grid will indicate all classes for the date selected and you can then use the back and forward arrows to view other weeks, see below screen shot:

Screenshot showing Timetable Grid with back and forward arrows

If a class is full and there is no wait list available, the class will display an ‘Unavailable?’ link, see below screen shot:

Screenshot showing Unavailable message.

If you hover over the link, a message will be displayed, see below screen shot:

Screenshot showing what the Unavailable message displays like.

In this instance, you should:

  1. Select an alternate class that is not full for the activity, OR
  2. Change your subject enrolment if you are unable to make it to an alternate class (if the class is for an elective subject), OR
  3. Contact the Student Centre for further assistance if you are unable to change your enrolment.

If classes are full, you may be able to place yourself on a waitlist. A small grey ‘clock’ icon will display on the class if a waitlist is available, see below screen shot:

Screenshot showing the grey waiting list clock.

Click on the clock icon to go on to the waitlist for this class and then click ‘Save’.

You can see the status (i.e., position number) of your waitlist on the subject class registration grid, see below screen shot:

Screenshot showing the status of your wait list on the subject class registration grid.

If you are still on a waitlist when your study commences, please contact the Student Centre.

When attempting to register for a class, you may receive a message advising that you are not eligible for a place in that class, see below screen shot:

Screrenshot showing Reserved Places message.

Please contact Student Centre for further assistance.

Streamed classes are two or more connected classes.  Selecting a stream will register you into all classes associated with that stream.

If your subject has streamed classes, the class will have a 'chain link' icon in the top right corner of the class on the timetable grid, see below screen shot:

Screenshot showing Streamed Classes chain link icon.

Click the checkbox next to the stream you want to register for from the list of streams that appear on the left of the timetable grid.

Screenshot showing the stream classes checkbox on the left hand side of the timetable grid.

The classes included in the stream will be highlighted.

If '+ More Info' appears below a class type, click the + to see the 'Activity Comments'.